MICR fonts and Active Reports 7 cut off

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MICR fonts and Active Reports 7 cut off

Postby iheck21 on Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:23 pm

I am working in .NET and using Active Reports 7. I downloaded the MICR fonts demo and have run into a problem. The font is being cut in half. I have downloaded another font and it worked fine (an idautomation font). I have attached a picture of what is happening to the MICR.

Here is the properties of the text box which it is being applied.

// MicrTextBox
this.MicrTextBox.CanShrink = true;
this.MicrTextBox.Height = 0.243F;
this.MicrTextBox.Left = 0.9680001F;
this.MicrTextBox.MultiLine = false;
this.MicrTextBox.Name = "MicrTextBox";
this.MicrTextBox.Style = "font-family: MICR; font-size: 12pt; vertical-align: middle; white-space: nowrap; " +
"ddo-char-set: 1; ddo-shrink-to-fit: none; ddo-wrap-mode: nowrap";
this.MicrTextBox.Text = "C12345678C AA231381116A D0451902787C 44";
this.MicrTextBox.Top = 3.771F;
this.MicrTextBox.Visible = false;
this.MicrTextBox.Width = 5.916F;

I have tried re-sizing, padding, alignment, everything.
Please help!
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Joined: Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:08 pm

Re: MICR fonts and Active Reports 7 cut off

Postby glitch on Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:47 am

Email support@morovia.com and we'll discuss a solution to Active Reports issue.
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