Code39 PCL Scalable Fonts CD-ROM
Product Manual (PDF|HTML)

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Code 39 PCL Scalable Font Pack 1.0

Code 39 PCL Scalable Font pack contains 14 PCL scalable fonts in 7 different heights, with and without human readable text to print Code 3 of 9 barcodes on PCL-compatible laser printers. Unlike offerings from competitors, our fonts are PCL scalable format - which means that they can be treated like true type fonts on Windows and Macintosh systems. To change the barcode size, simply change the font size. No need to download another font to the printer.

The Font kit comprises the following contents:

  • 14 code39 PCL scalable soft fonts - seven without human readable - mrvcode39xxs.sft, mrvcode39xs.sft, mrvcode39s.sft, mrvcode39m.sft, mrvcode39t.sft, mrvcode39xt.sft, mrvcode39xxt.sft, and seven with human readable - mrvcode39xxsa.sft, mrvcode39xsa.sft, mrvcode39sa.sft, mrvcode39ma.sft, mrvcode39ta.sft, mrvcode39xta.sft and mrvcode39xxta.sft.
  • User Manual in PDF and HTML formats.
  • Test files for Windows and Unix systems (including Mac OS X and Linux)
  • Code39gen, a command line utility which calculates barcode string. A barcode string is a text string which becomes a valid barcode after being formatted with our font. It is necessary since Code 39 requires start and stop characters, and accepts an optional checksum character to increase barcode security.

License Terms

Code39 PCL Scalable Font Pack™ is licensed based on the number of printers and the computers connecting to the printers. Each license allows 1 printer and 10 computers using the font. For example, if your working environment has two printers installed with our PCL fonts and there are 30 computers are using these printers, you will need to purchase 30/10 = 3 licenses. The evaluation fonts are provided for sole evaluation purpose, for up to 30 days. You agree that you will not decompile reverse-engineer or convert the fonts into other digital formats.