Code 93 Fonts CD-ROM

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Code 93 Fonts

Morovia Code93 Fontware allows you to print Code 93 bar code symbols from any computers. True type, Postscript type 1 for Windows and Macintosh platforms are included in one package, as well as the HP PCL fonts - i.e. you can print barcodes from any computers with this package.

In addition to the fonts in a variety of formats, Morovia Code93 Fontware also includes complete documentation, samples, macros and plug-ins to support application integration. Morovia Codabar Fontware contains 10 different versions of font which allow you print any sizes of barcode fit in your application.

The package contains the following 10 true type font files. In addition to these ten true type font files, we also provide Font Tools for you to integrate our barcode fonts with applications.

Code93 Font FILES
Font NameHeight (at point size 12)text option
MRV Code93XS1/8 inchNo
MRV Code93S1/4 inchNo
MRV Code93M1/2 inchNo
MRV Code93T3/4 inchNo
MRV Code93XT1 inchNo
MRV Code93XTA1 inchYes
MRV Code93TA3/4 inchYes
MRV Code93MA1/2 inchYes
MRV Code93SA1/4 inchYes
MRV Code93XSA1/8 inchYes

Font Specification

Point SizeX Dim (mils)CPIHeight (XS)Height (S)Height (M)Height (T)Height (TA)
  • The measure unit for font height is inch (1 inch = 2.54cm).
  • CPI - Characters Per Inch. When calculating the actual length, you need count the two start/stop characters.
  • The height refers to the actual bar height, not the height of the font when rasterized. The font is scaled both in horizontally and vertically, to calculate the size under a different point size, use formula: (size_at_12_pt)*actual_point_size/12.

Special Character Mapping

The start/stop characters are mapped to left and right brackets respectively. The four special characters used to combine with other characters to encode full ASCII character set, code 93 barcode dollar code 93 barcode percent code 93 barcode slash and code 93 barcode plus are mapped to @#^ and & respectively. For more information about how code 93 encodes full ASCII character set, visit Code 93 Specification.

To be compatible with Microsoft Word, the space character is mapped to "=" character.

The start/stop characters are mapped to *, left bracket([) and right bracket(]). The termination bar is mapped to vertical mark(|).

Note that Code 93 requires two check digits. To learn how the check digit is calculated, see Code 93 Specifciation..

Font Tools

To assist customers to integrate Morovia font products with their applications such as Microsoft Office and web, we provide free tools including Morovia FontPal, Morovia Fontpal Web Utility, language tools for Visual Basic, C/C++, JavaScript, Crystal Reports UFL, Crystal Reports Formula and so on. See KB10011: Morovia Font Tools Overview for details.