Table A.1. List of Known AIs
AI | Name | Constraint | Short Name |
00 | SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) | n2+n18 | SSCC |
01 | Global Trade Item Number | n2+n14 | GTIN |
02 | GTIN of Trade Items Contained in a logistic unit | n2+n14 | CONTENT |
10 | Batch or lot number | n2+an..20 | BATCH/LOT |
11 | Production date (YYMMDD) | n2+n6 | PROD DATE |
12 | Due date (YYMMDD) | n2+n6 | DUE DATE |
13 | Packaging date (YYMMDD) | n2+n6 | PACK DATE |
15 | Best before date (YYMMDD) | n2+n6 | BEST BEFORE or SELL BY |
17 | Expiration date (YYMMDD) | n2+n6 | USE BY OR EXPIRY |
20 | Product variant | n2+n2 | VARIANT |
21 | Serial number | n2+an..20 | SERIAL |
22 | Secondary data for specific health industry products | n2+an..29 | QTY/DATE/BATCH |
240 | Additional product identification assigned by the manufacturer | n3+an..30 | ADDITIONAL ID |
241 | Customer part number | n3+an..30 | CUST. PART NO. |
242 | Made-to-Order Variation Number | n2+n..6 | Variation Number |
250 | Secondary serial number | n3+an..30 | SECONDARY SERIAL |
251 | Reference to source entity | n3+an..30 | REF. TO SOURCE |
253 | Global Document Type Identifier | n3+n13+n..17 | DOC. ID |
254 | GLN Extension component | n3+an..20 | GLN EXTENSION |
30 | Variable count | n2+n..8 | VAR. COUNT |
310n-369n | (Trade and logistic measurements) | n4+n6 | -- |
337n | Kilograms per square metre | n4+n6 | KG PER m2 |
37 | Count of trade items contained in a logistic unit | n2+n..8 | COUNT |
390(n) | Amount payable - single monetary area | n4+n..15 | AMOUNT |
391(n) | Amount payable - with ISO currency code | n4+n3+n..15 | AMOUNT |
392(n) | Amount payable for a Variable Measure Trade Item - single monetary unit | n4+n..15 | PRICE |
393(n) | Amount payable for a Variable Measure Trade Item - with ISO currency code | n4+n3+n..15 | PRICE |
400 | Customer's purchase order number | n3+an..30 | ORDER NUMBER |
401 | Consignment number | n3+an..30 | CONSIGNMENT |
402 | Shipment Identification Number | n3+n17 | SHIPMENT NO. |
403 | Routing code | n3+an..30 | ROUTE |
410 | Ship to - deliver to Global Location Number | n3+n13 | SHIP TO LOC |
411 | Bill to - invoice to Global Location Number | n3+n13 | BILL TO |
412 | Purchased from Global Location Number | n3+n13 | PURCHASE FROM |
413 | Ship for - deliver for - forward to Global Location Number | n3+n13 | SHIP FOR LOC |
414 | Identification of a physical location Global Location Number | n3+n13 | LOC No |
415 | Global Location Number of the Invoicing Party | n3+n13 | PAY |
420 | Ship to - deliver to postal code within a single postal authority | n3+an..20 | SHIP TO POST |
421 | Ship to - deliver to postal code with Three-Digit ISO country code | n3+n3+an..9 | SHIP TO POST |
422 | Country of origin of a trade item | n3+n3 | ORIGIN |
423 | Country of initial processing | n3+n3+n..12 | COUNTRY - INITIAL PROCESS. |
424 | Country of processing | n3+n3 | COUNTRY - PROCESS. |
425 | Country of disassembly | n3+n3 | COUNTRY - DISASSEMBLY |
426 | Country covering full process chain | n3+n3 | COUNTRY - FULL PROCESS |
7001 | NATO stock number | n4+n13 | NSN |
7002 | UN/ECE meat carcasses and cuts classification | n4+an..30 | MEAT CUT |
703(s) | Approval number of processor with ISO country code | n4+n3+an..27 | PROCESSOR # s4 |
7003 | Expiration Date and Time | n4+n10 | EXPIRY DATE/TIME |
8001 | Roll products - width, length, core diameter, direction, and splices | n4+n14 | DIMENSIONS |
8002 | Electronic serial identifier for cellular mobile telephones | n4+an..20 | CMT No |
8003 | Global Returnable Asset Identifier | n4+n14+an..16 | GRAI |
8004 | Global Individual Asset Identifier | n4+an..30 | GIAI |
8005 | Price per unit of measure | n4+n6 | PRICE PER UNIT |
8006 | Identification of the component of a trade item | n4+n14+n2+n2 | GCTIN |
8007 | International Bank Account Number | n4+an..30 | IBAN |
8008 | Date and time of production | n4+n8+n..4 | PROD TIME |
8018 | Global Service Relation Number | n4+n18 | GSRN |
8020 | Payment Slip Reference Number | n4+an..25 | REF No |
8100 | GS1-128 Coupon Extended Code - NSC + Offer Code | n4+n1+n5 | - |
8101 | GS1-128 Coupon Extended Code - NSC + Offer Code + end of offer code | n4+n1+n5+n4 | - |
8102 | GS1-128 Coupon Extended Code - NSC | n4+n1+n1 | - |
90 | Information mutually agreed between trading partners (including FACT DIs) | n2+an..30 | INTERNAL |
91-99 | Company internal information | n2+an..30 | INTERNAL |