Morovia offers a wide variety of support services. To help you save time and money when you encounter a problem, we suggest you try to resolve the problem by following the options below in the order shown.
Consult the documentation. The quickest answer to many questions can be found in the Morovia product documentation.
Review the tutorial and sample applications. The tutorial steps you through the development process for a typical barcode application. The sample applications provide working code examples in several programming languages. All sample applications are extensively commented.
Access Morovia Online. Morovia Online provides a knowledge base which documents the frequently asked questions and a web forum.
The web address for knowledge base is You can ask question at support forum at
Contact Morovia Technical Support Service. The Technical Support service is provided for free up to 180 days after the purchase. Email Morovia support engineers at
If you purchased your software from our reseller, check to see if they provide support services before contacting Morovia.
Support services and policies are subject to change without notice.